15 months baby Claire
Photodiary of little Claire at 15 month. Claire started to learn to shake her bon bon whenever music starts. She learn about new things daily. Dance Instructor
Photodiary of little Claire at 15 month. Claire started to learn to shake her bon bon whenever music starts. She learn about new things daily. Dance Instructor
Photodiary of 14 month Claire. The good, the bad and the ugly of everyday life. She loves to go out. We spend many days at qiren and explore their library and cafe. Claire wants to be sayang when she suffers a fall. Wants things to go her way. Want to go out!
Photodiary of 12 months old baby Claire. Dislike being in the playpen. Start to take her first baby step.
Photodiary of 11 months old baby Claire. Claire learns to clap her hands. She starts to throws all her pillows out of her cot.
Photodiary of Claire at 10 months. Claire is Still crawling, she needs some support to be in a standing position. She spends 70% of her time in the playpen.
Photodiary of 9 months old baby Claire. Can pick up small food and feed herself by hands. Can sit up without back support. Put her feet into her mouth. Likes to put things into her mouth.
Photodiary of 8 months old baby Claire. Claire spends 60% of her time standing in walker.
Photodiary of 4 months old baby Claire. Claire starting to support her own head in a crawling position. PD highlighted that Claire needs more tummy time.
Photodiary of 2 months old Claire. Claire is more responsive and aware of her surroundings and Thanks to https://www.thersphotography.com/ for the brilliant photoshoot at my own home.